- Gamblers: NQ/3rd/15 points. Just barely missed the buzzer, argh! Nice run though! Wasn't able to get it on tape because my batteries died, oops.
- Standard: NQ/3rd. Lost my mind and let her back weave, but really nice run other than that.
- Jumpers: Q/2nd. This was an awesome run!! We were behind the first place dog by just .05 seconds!
- Snooker: NQ/2nd/25 points. Due to a handling error, took two colors in a row at the end of our Opening sequence. Nice otherwise!
- Pairs: NQ/2nd. Not my favorite run of the weekend. Had some issues with the tire for some reason. She would not take it in the correct direction, had no problem jumping through it the wrong way though! She also would not leave me alone for that darn baton, silly dog
- Standard: NQ/3rd. Pretty nice run - contacts completely fallen apart by this point but she got all of the weaves on her first try!!
Pretty happy with most things, but I need to remember to stick to my criteria no matter what. I am just still so afraid of her bolting from the ring, having zoomies, jumping on the judge or a ring crew member, or just completely losing focus/disconnecting from me that I have let other things fall apart. After running her this weekend I don't think she would do any of those things now, so I need to try to stop worrying about that so much. Penny's 2o2o's completely fell apart this weekend and I'm pretty sure I will be kicking myself for that soon. Unfortunately this winter/spring we have not had a facility to train at on a regular basis that is large enough for contacts, so we haven't had much practice with them. I am planning on entering two trials in May (AKC and USDAA) so I will need to make sure I get in a couple of drop-ins at Pawsitive Partners before then to work on contacts, and we will definitely be working on the teeter 2o2o at home! I wish I could afford an A-frame, I definitely have room for one in the backyard...
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